The Orchard Street Press is very pleased to announce the release of Marginalia: An Interactive Book of Hours the exceptional new collection of poems by Jennifer Fair Stewart, award-winning poet from Abilene, Texas.
About Marginalia, we read:
“Perhaps the loudest praise I could give this collection is that it made me ache for my own transformation even as it voiced my longing for a divine presence to ‘please / just be with us in this narrow, ribcaged space.’”
Susanna Childress, DuMez Associate professor of English at Hope College; author of Jagged with Love and Entering the House of Awe
“These poems are like a warm bath for any soul attuned to mystery, an immersion in the depths of poetic expression.”
Albert Haley, Professor Emeritus of Language and Literature at Abilene Christian University.
“These poems…tell stories with vivid images of real and broken people, always colored by the prism of faith.”
Gerald McDermott, retired Chair of Anglican Divinity at Beeson Divinity School.
Marginalia is available (both online and via the mail) for $15 from:
The Orchard Street Press
P.O. Box 280
Gates Mills, Ohio 44040
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